Monday, July 21, 2008

A Mayoral Response....

"We are concerned about the violence that occurred over the weekend," Mayor Michael Nutter said in a press release issued Sunday night. "One, much less 10 shootings across the city is simply unacceptable. We remain committed to the aggressive implementation of our crime fighting strategies, including our efforts to get illegal guns off of our streets and out of the hands of criminals. We will continue to do everything we can to see that those responsible for these crimes are caught and dealt with appropriately."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think it should be noted that 10 shootings only reflects "shots fired" where the police found an injured or dead person. What about all the "shots fired" that don't get counted or even reported? Case in pointing - "shots fired" at Kingsessing Recreation center on June 26 at about 9pm. Hundreds of witnesses, but no word on what happened.